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Buttercup Baby

Buttercup Baby
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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

LOL at that last post

I publish those week-by-week things but they are really just laughable now, they have nothing to do with what I'm currently going through or what the baby is really like. They have been off for weeks, but this one is killing me- "6 and a half pounds" ?!?!?! Try 9 lbs, 6 oz according to the ultrasound I had yesterday. I am 2 centimeters dilated and having contractions and cramps every day. For this first time in this pregnancy, after everything that I've gone through, I am now just soooo cynical and sooo done. I don't understand why they would let us walk away at 9 pounds plus. My window for a vaginal delivery is rapidly closing and nobody seems to care much. They will let her get to 5,000 grams (11 pounds) before they intervene (supposedly, and as long as I am still a functioning human being). But the thing is, I am NOT feeling like a functional human being, I am depressed, and cranky, and in pain, swollen, and sick of having insomnia, and sick of going to a million doctors appointments and the hospital all the time and coming home every single time empty handed. I honestly feel like I have been so good this entire pregnancy, trying to be cheery and good-spirited no matter what got thrown my way (and oh my god, there was so much.... sciatica, having to quit work, high blood pressure scares, not gaining weight and actually LOSING weight in the beginning, being on too much medication for anyone's liking, etc etc) but this is just the limit!! They tested my blood again yesterday to see if they could prove that I was a undiagnosed gestational diabetic but every time I get checked I never have it (good for me, bad for my poor body that has to attempt to deliver the equivalent of a baby whale). I guess I will get those results back on Thursday when I have yet ANOTHER doctor's appointment. Sigh.

38 Weeks

Two more weeks to go and your nesting instinct is in full throttle. You're busy washing and folding (and refolding) baby's clothes, marveling over how anyone could ever fit into such a teensy weensy T-shirt. If you haven't set up the crib, bassinet or wherever you plan for baby to sleep—now would be a good time. You don't want Dad frantically trying to figure out some incomprehensible instruction manual between contractions. What You're Thinking: "Please don't let my water break at an inopportune time like in the middle of a client meeting or during my pedicure or at a fancy restaurant ..."

Your Body

  • As your cervix begins to dilate, you may lose your mucus plug. (You may also toss your cookies when you read the words "mucus plug." Ew.) This thick, mucus-like wad seals the cervix and prevents infection during pregnancy. When the plug has done its work, it will bid your cervix goodbye and hurl itself into the toilet.

  • Contrary to what people may say, losing the mucus plug isn't a definite predictor of the onset of labor.

  • You also may notice some pink or "bloody show," another indication that your cervix is dilating.

  • Once you've lost your mucus plug, be on the alert for regular, strong, painful contractions (not like this is something you'd sleep through, believe us) or other indications that you should call your doctor and get thee to a hospital.

  • Your Baby

    Your baby's intestines have accumulated a considerable amount of meconium (the code name for black, tar-like baby poop), which is usually eliminated shortly after birth and gives you your first experience with the 100-wipe diaper change. Here's what else is up:
    • Your baby might just scratch herself in the womb as the fingernails have grown over the fingertips now. Resist painting them hot pink when she arrives.

  • Baby's lungs continue to mature and her brain and nerve function are working better every day. The latter two will continue to mature until Junior is a teenager, at which point she'll know it all (or at least she'll think she does).

  • Your baby weighs about 6 1/2 pounds and is around 19 or 20 inches long—as long as a duffle bag (in case you needed an excuse to go shopping for a new bag for your labor gear).

    Tuesday, July 12, 2011

    Last 2 Appts

    I had an appointment on Thursday where I was told we will have to do non-stress tests twice a week, and an internal exam proved that at least these silly contractions were at least doing something, I was 1 centimeter dialated! The test went fine, she was doing good and my contractions were minor. Monday I went again and same thing, she looks good and her heartbeat is still going strong!! I have another one tomorrow ( I will be living at the doctor's office from now on I think) for the monitoring and hopefully another internal to check on my progress! If nothing then we wait some more until Monday the 18th when I have a non-stress test in the morning and an ultrasound in the afternoon- this is the one we've been waiting for- to determine just how big she is and what the plan will be!!

    37 Weeks!

    Your baby is officially baked this week! That means you could literally give birth at any given moment. A terrifying, exciting and overwhelming concept, all rolled into one. Your partner is undoubtedly having the same emotional roller-coaster ride, so be sure to share your feelings and enjoy these last weeks (days?! hours?!) together.

    Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...

    What You're Thinking:

    "I can't eat, I can't sleep, but I can do a great imitation of a beached whale. Seriously, are we almost done with this?"

    Your Body 
    You made it! Your baby is considered full term at the end of this week. So kick your swollen feet up and swig back a glass of lemonade. All that hard work has finally paid off!

    At your checkup this week, your doctor or midwife may do an internal exam to see how things are progressing. We're not gonna lie to you, an "internal" can hurt like hooey. But hey, it ain't labor! While she's in there, your practitioner will check three things: dilation (how open your cervix is), ripeness (how soft your cervix is) and effacement (how thin your cervix is). For baby to come on out, the cervix must be open to 10 centimeters, as soft as the skin on the inside of your mouth and 100 percent effaced.

    It's normal to have some brownish spotting after an internal exam or a little wham-bam, but if you notice any bright red discharge or consistent spotting, call your doc or midwife immediately. Also, as your mucus plug preps to dislodge itself, you may also find an increase in gooey discharge "down there" these last few weeks. Just what you wanted to hear, right?

    Your Baby
    Huge news this week: You're carrying a full-term baby! If you were to go into labor today, all systems would be a go. Woohoo! Even though you can't wait for the little bambino to quite literally rear his head, keep in mind that your bun benefits from every day in the oven. Other ticker-tape-worthy developments:

    Baby's growth slows down dramatically this week, which is great news for your birth canal. His bones are still soft and pliable and will solidify after he's born. More great news for your birth canal.

    So if he's all cooked and ready to go, what the heck is he still doing in there?! He's busy practicing for "life on the outside," working on his breathing, sucking, sleeping, gazing and peeing abilities. The only thing he can't practice yet is his ability to scream at the top of his lungs when he's hungry—but he'll do plenty of that in a few weeks.

    At this point babies vary in size, but the average length is between 19 and 20 inches and most babies weigh approximately 6 pounds. About the size of an average largemouth bass caught in Minnesota by your cousin Earl.

    Your Life
    If you can't stop Windexing everything in sight or you have a sudden desire to rearrange your linen closet again, then you're officially nesting. Nesting is the phenomena where exhausted and very pregnant women suddenly find the energy and the drive to clean like their life depends on it.

    Though many women think "nesting" is a wives' tale, it's actually not the stuff of urban legend, and many women get the powerful urge to ready their home for the impending arrival in the final weeks of pregnancy. (Kind of makes you wish nature had the forethought to send that urge to your partner every now and then, doesn't it?) 

    Now's a good time to make sure your nursery is clean and ready for baby to spit and poop all over it. Spend some of that extra nesting energy stocking up on baby needs like diapers and wipes. You really don't need to be polishing the silver right now.

    Even if you're feeling super-energetic, make sure to get enough rest. You'll need your strength for labor and beyond.

    Tuesday, July 5, 2011

    36 Weeks

    **No personal update yet, I have an appointment on Thursday so I will post again then with any new info.**

    With a mere 28 days to go (give or take a few), you're almost at the end—and the beginning of your new life. Finish up your final prep by stocking up on diapers, washing the onesies and making sure the nursery is good to go. Then, even if baby comes early, you're still ready. Of course, every new parent feels wildly unprepared regardless of how operational the nursery is, but at least you won't be diaperless!

    Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...

    Your Body
    Just when you think you can't possibly stand another day of your baby kicking your lungs and crowding your stomach, your baby will drop it like it's hot. This process, called lightening, will probably make it easier for you to breathe, but with your baby's head resting directly on your bladder, you'll be breathing all the way to the bathroom.

    When your baby drops, you can rest assured that your pregnancy journey will be over within the next few weeks. Make sure to know the many signs and symptoms of labor so that you won't be caught with your pants down (both figuratively and literally).

    Your Baby

    Your baby continues to put on weight at about ½ pound each week. This layer of fat will help your baby regulate his body temperature after leaving your climate-controlled womb. In fact, your baby will be 15 percent fat at birth (and you ... well that's another story). Even in the womb, your baby can listen, feel, touch and see. The only thing separating him from living in the outside world is a little thing called the birth canal. Other highlights this week:

    His gums are firm with ridges that look somewhat like teeth, though his actual pearly whites won't start breaking through until he's between three months and a year old.

    Your baby has definite patterns of sleep and wakefulness—opening his eyes while awake and closing them while sleeping. Your baby will become alert and turn his head toward light and sound just as a newborn would—except when you put on that Celine Dion CD. Then the baby puts his hands up, turns away and gurgles, "Oh no you didn't!"

    Your baby is now around 18½ inches long and nearly 6 pounds—just about as big as a breadbox!

    Your Life

    You may feel silly driving around these last couple of weeks with a baby car seat and no baby, but in case she decides to show up early, you'll be glad you have it, since your hospital won't let you leave without one.