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Buttercup Baby

Buttercup Baby
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Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Everyone! We, that is to say, Bruce and I, and my mom and dad and sisters and brother are going on vacation to sunny California! We will be back January 3rd. So I will be on a hiatus from blogging until then, but Jan. 4th and Jan. 25th I have Dr.'s appointments so I'm sure you'll hear from me then :-)

Having a little fun!

I was trying on clothes at Destination Maternity and they had one of those fake bumps to see what you would look like with a full-on baby bump! I couldn't resist taking a couple pictures for fun. Let's see how these compare to the real thing in 7 months!!!!


Due Date: August 2, 2011

We found out on Monday, December 6th, when mommy got hit with morning sickness!

First appointment was Tuesday, December 21st, where I got to see the heartbeat and even got those really cute early ultrasound photos in the post below!

Everyone is really excited and can't wait to meet little "lumpy" as s/he is known as right now because s/he's just so cute and lumpy in his photos!!

Say Hello to my little friend....